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impact measurement

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A range of solutions to measure your impact.


How do you know if your organisation’s products, services or activities are having the desired impact on your clients, customers, or other stakeholders?

Impact measurement research will help you to understand the impact you are making, and even evidence that impact to others outside your organisation, e.g., your clients, funders or investors. The Outcome provides a variety of impact measurement services so whatever level of understanding or evidence you need, we can facilitate that.

To measure your impact, we use qualitative and quantitative methods to identify and measure the intended and unintended changes that are experienced by your clients (and any other relevant stakeholders) over a period of time as a result of your organisation’s product, service or activity.


Theories of Change

A Theory of Change is a comprehensive description and map visualisation of how and why a particular change has occurred for specific stakeholders in a specified context. The Outcome conducts qualitative and quantitative research with your stakeholders to define the Theories of Change and identify the outcomes they experience because of your organisation’s product, service, or activity. Through this research, the precise link between activities and the achievement of outcomes (i.e. your impact) can be more fully understood. This means you can plan more effectively how to create greater impact for your clients or customers. It is also the first step in longer term evaluation or measurement of impact.

Outcome measurement

Many funders and investors require proof that your concept does create the intended impact in order to invest in your organisation. Even if you don’t have funders or investors, outcome measurement can help your organisation to make strategic decisions about which products, services, or activities to pursue long-term. The Outcome measures outcomes for many of our clients so that they know that their action is having the desired impact. Often, we also discover unexpected positive impact too! We use mostly quantitative research to measure the outcomes experienced by your clients or customers over time, and we also specialise in reporting on this in a meaningful way for your organisation and its funders.

Campaign Impact Measurement

The effectiveness of a campaign is not measured by how many people see it, but by the impact it creates for those people. If people remember your campaign but it does not encourage them to consider your brand, or people receive your communications but do not relate to or understand the content, it is likely not doing the job you hoped it would. We design digital surveys designed to measure the real impact of your campaigns, both intended and unintended. This research approach can be applied to a myriad of scenarios, including advertising campaigns, internal communications, and training delivery.