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 Bespoke Solutions




Know your audience


The effectiveness of your marketing strategy is determined by how well your offering matches the customer’s motivations, and how well you communicate that to them. Brand engagement is informed by a solid understanding of the market segmentation and differentiation of customer groups. We provide ‘deep dive’ analysis into your audience so that your marketing and brand strategies can thrive.

Digital development


We evaluate your customers’ digital media use and map it against your (and your competitors’) online presence to establish gaps and miss-matches which can be overcome.  We will provide you with strategic recommendations for your online activities including social media, digital marketing and on-site customer experience.

Insight projects

Whatever your unique challenge, we will design a bespoke insight project to support you in finding a solution. Bespoke projects can include a single methodology or multi-methodology approach spanning both qualitative and quantitive methods, including digital surveys, interviews, focus groups, workshops, and online communities. We gather insight, analyse data, and present relevant and achievable solutions to your challenge.


Strategic consulting


The Outcome provides an outside, expert perspective on your organisation’s challenges. We conduct an in-depth analysis of your organisation’s goals and objectives to identify areas where strategic development is needed. We provide strategic recommendations on what you can implement immediately and what you can work towards in order to achieve your goals and objectives. Research into the competitive landscape and evolving trends and themes in your sector can help you to make well-informed decisions on strategy for your organisation. 

White label research


The Outcome provides service agencies, publishers and SMEs with in-house market research support, on a white-label basis. Why employ an in-house research team when you can bring us in under your masthead at any time? We become your research managers and project co-ordinators for in-house studies and for your stakeholders in your name.

Expert network


An increasingly common and more cost-effective option these days is to outsource functions that are not essential to the day-to-day operation of your business. That’s where we come in…literally. Whether you need help with marketing strategy, brand development or even repositioning the company, The Outcome can quickly inject appropriate capability where you need it most. With access to expert consultants and specialist business services, we stand behind the premium quality and excellent value that our network provides.