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Who we are

We design evidence-based strategies to amplify your impact so that your organisation (and your clients) can thrive.

Our research services and strategic consulting is designed to meet your needs within your budget, whether you’re an SME, a non-profit or a multinational. We apply our wide-ranging experience and specialist skills to your unique challenges to amplify the impact your organisation creates.


Mission Statement

In an ever-changing and increasingly competitive landscape for organisations in all sectors, we believe that the key to staying relevant is investing in the broader impact your organisation creates. Focusing on the impact and value that your activities create drives higher engagement with your brand and fosters greater growth and development than centring the direct outputs of your organisation, e.g., the number of clients or value of sales.


The work we do

We design bespoke solutions for our clients that span from developing brand or business strategies, measuring and evidencing impact, diversification planning, redesigning the digital offering and creating immersive experiences. We’re not just a full-service consultancy; we involve customer insight and stakeholders in all of our strategic development, so that your strategy is built on solid, evidence-based foundations. We help you build your customer engagement and loyalty so that you can amplify the impact of your organisation’s activities on their lives. 

Brand strategies: positioning, marketing channels, design, PR, concept testing through to test marketing and launch

Business development strategies – organic expansion, acquisition internationalisation, diversification, re-vitalising tired systems

Understanding your audience – segmentation, touchpoints for brand engagement, loyalty, price sensitivity, satisfying unmet needs (cognitive and emotive)

Full range of market analysis and survey research services

Digital strategy, building least resistance pathways to engagement, creating customer communities